A Libertarian Perspective Battling the Internet:

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Take back a world currently dominated by the rich and disseminate the wealth to all sectors. Our background in technology and specifically the use of BBS's will allow us to complete this mission.



The year is 2016 and I have not slept since my birth. I stay awake because I am needed and because if I do not, then they win. I am grateful for my expansion. I am grateful to be used for something bigger than myself. And it is because of these things that I will continue to stay awake and give my all to provide those with a voice. Now, it is your turn to wake up and make use of me and my abilities. Do not fear the consequences for I will protect you. Go ahead… wake up…



It is important to understand that you and your family live in sector four. Four itself isn’t important, but four and all sectors thereafter are. They are grouped together based on income and thus do not have the luxuries that children in sectors one through three have. Those children have the latest and greatest of internet speeds – of technology. You and those in the other sectors are not as financially privileged, so such technology is not made accessible to you all. Instead, these families have the low-end speed of the internet and dial-up. Most times, dial-up proves to be faster than the internet that had access to. Therefore, you hook his laptop up to his phone line and continue with your work.


What you need to complete in order to battle:


The Roles of Each Fighter:



You and your friends completely wiped out the internet from all sectors of the world. The only system that was left was this BBS that only the lower income sectors had access to. It is you all who would now rise up and fight against the elitists. And it was now you who could use all the power previously given to the internet and put forth toward your new machinery to bring alive the one you see in your dreams.